24 September 2014


Ek glo Generaal Jan Hendrik verdien 'n bladsy van sy eie! Ek het 'n klompie baie interessante foto's van Okkie de Jager (Genl Olivier is sy oupagrootjie) ontvang asook baie interessanthede in sy e-posse aan my. Ek plaas die e-posse asook die interessante foto's asook foto's wat ek alreeds gehad het op hierdie bladsy. Ek het ook baie interessante aantekeninge van generaal Olivier van sy kleindogter, Maria Oosthuyzen, ontvang wat ek ook al gedeeltelik geplaas het. Die aantekeninge het hy gehou in die Diyatalawa kamp op Ceylon.


Scrapbooking vertel ‘n storie. Genealogie vors details oor jou familie geskiedenis na, jou familie se
verhaal. Ek kan nie aan ‘n meer natuurlike konneksie dink as scrapbooking en genealogie nie.

27 Augustus 2014


Die meeste van ons lede gebruik die genealogiese program Legacy om genealogiese data te berg, te orden en te verwerk. Dit is ʼn besonder kragtige program, baie kragtiger as waarvoor die meeste van ons hom gebruik. Ek vermoed die meeste, of dan minstens sommige, van ons lede ly aan dieselfde kwaal as ek: hulle wil sou gou as moontlik met ʼn rekenaarprogram aan die gang kom en is te ongeduldig om die instruksies behoorlik te bestudeer. Die gevolg is dat baie van ons, of dan sommige van ons (of miskien net ek) die programme nooit behoorlik ontgin nie en gefrustreerd raak wanneer ons vasbrand of probleme optel, doodgewoon omdat ons nie bewus is van die volle potensiaal van die programme nie.


Piet Butler het vir ons die een en ander neergeskryf oor sy genealogiese navorsing. Daar is nou al soveel deur lede oor hulle ervarings en invalshoeke geskryf dat hy besluit het om met ʼn nuwe aanslag te kom: die verband tussen familiegeskiedenis en historiese gebeurtenisse. En in dié verband die assimilasie van Engelse en Afrikaanse families. Laat mens dink, nè.

Vir die beginner genealoog/navorser kan die opstel en ondersoek na `n familiestamboom bepaalde vrae na vore bring. Uiteraard staan die studie en ondersoek na familiebande se oorsprong in direkte verband met `n bepaalde periode in die Suid Afrikaanse geskiedenis. Genealogie is dus kleiner afdelings en/of inligtingsbronne binne die groter historiese konteks.


Jason van die The Office 4 U se praatjie was propvol inligting. Vergeef my dus as ek nie behoorlik reg daaraan laat geskied in hierdie beknopte samevatting nie.

As jy jou familiegeskiedenis in ʼn beperkte oplaag van, sê, 5 tot 20 of meer kopieë wil laat druk, is dit die moeite werd om dit op papier van goeie gehalte te laat druk. Gewone papier vir alledaagse gebruik sal nie laat reg geskied aan die kwaliteit van jou boek nie veral as daar heelwat foto’s in is. Jason beveel 100 gr coated papier aan. Dit kos ʼn bietjie meer, maar is die ekstra paar rand werd as jy ʼn afgeronde produk wil hê.

30 Julie 2014



Geskryf deur Johann Prozesky.

Op 1 Februarie 2014 het die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens (of SAA soos dit deesdae genoem word) 80 jaar oud geword. In die geselskap van o.a. KLM (1920) en Finnair (1923), is dit een van die oudste lugrederye in die wêreld wat van meet af dieselfde naam dra.

28 Mei 2014


Gedurende 2001 was ek so gelukkig om 'n vinnige draai in Griekeland te maak en onder andere 'n uurtjie in Korinte deur te bring.

Die terrein waarop Antieke Korinte geleë was, was so vroeg as 1000 vC reeds bewoon. Die stad het sedert die 8ste eeu vC begin ontwikkel en het na 657 vC 'n eerste hoogbloei onder Periandros belewe. Dit is in 146 vC deur die Romeine verwoes en eers weer in 44 nC herbou tot die Bybelse Korinte wat Paulus in 51/52 nC besoek het.



Pieter Mauritz Retief was born on 12 November 1780 on the farm Soetendal, in the Wagenmakersvalley, and was the fourth of 10 children of Jacobus and Debora Retief - born Joubert. His family were Boers of French Huguenot ancestry. His great-grandfather was the 1688 refugee Francois Retif (1663 – 1721) from Mer sur Blois, Province, in France, the progenitor of the name in South Africa.

30 April 2014


.Teen dié tyd is almal redelik bekend met die normale wyse van navorsing. Ek gaan dus nie daarop konsentreer nie. Almal kom op een of ander tyd voor navorsings probleme te staan, en moet maniere vind om inligting omtrent die “geheime” verlede van die voorgeslagte te bekom. By voorbeeld: Die voorgeslagte was tydens hul lewens bewus van veral bankrotskap, aanneem van buite egtelike kinders of familieskandes, en het sodanige “sondes” gewoonlik toegesmeer en as grafgeheime bewaar. Die manier van naamgewing, naamlik dat dieselfde name van geslag na geslag oorgedra was, veroorsaak ook dikwels ook baie probleme vir die navorser.


Dit was met afwagting dat die 19 toergangers net voor 0800 by die Nanaga-padstal bymekaargekom het, heel betyds ten spyte van die verkeersdrukte op die N2 in die omgewing van Port Elizabeth, iets wat Jeffreysbaai se mense – en veral Naas – nie meer gewoond aan is nie! ‘n Vlugtige besoek is aan die naby geleë Methodiste-kerkie gebring waar dit heel bedrywig was soos ouers uit die omgewing hul kinders by die naas liggende skooltjie afgelaai het, waarna eetgoed by die padstal gekoop is.


Sy het my geleer van bid: "Jy moet bid dat daai kol uit die mat is as ek vanaand by die huis kom."
Sy het my geleer dat pa's slimmer as ma's is: "Gaan vra jou pa."
Sy het my geleer van plantkunde: "Lyk dit vir jou of geld op my rug groei?"
Sy het my geleer om altyd nederig en klein te wees: "Boetjie!!!!!!!!!!”
Sy het my geleer van die weer: "Dit lyk of 'n orkaan deur jou kamer is."
Sy het my van fauna en flora geleer: "Moenie vir my vertel pêredrolle is vye nie."
Sy het my geleer om myself te ontdek: "Hou op om jou soos jou pa te gedra."
Sy het my van wetenskap en kosmose geleer: "Hou jou mond en eet jou kos."
Sy het my van uithouvermoë geleer: "Jy sal daar sit tot al jou kool opgeëet is."
Sy het my geleer van sintuie: "Kinners word gesien en nie gehoor nie."
Sy het my van humor en hartseer geleer: "Hou aan lag, dan gee ek jou iets om oor te huil."
Sy het my van jaloesie geleer: "Daar is duisende arm kinnertjies wat ouers soos joune begeer."
Sy het my geleer daar is 'n plek en tyd vir alles: "As julle mekaar wil vermoor, gaan doen dit buite, ek het nou-net hier skoon gemaak."
Sy het my van wiskunde geleer: "Sit jy al weer en tanne tel?"
Sy het my van logika geleer: "Want ek sê so!!!"
Sy het my van wreedheid geleer: "Ek gaan jou gatvelle aftrek."

Geskryf deur Naas Olivier

26 Maart 2014


Die Ou Afrikaanse Bybelvertaling (OAV) het in 1933 verskyn. In 1983 het daar ‘n nuwe vertaling (NAV) verskyn en tans, 31 jaar later, is daar ‘n derde vertaling in voorbereiding. Dan is daar ook nog Die Lewende Bybel (DLB). Die vraag is dus: Waarom telkens weer vertaal? Die antwoord is dat opvattings en teorieë oor vertaling voortdurend verander, dat kennis van die grondtale van die Bybel steeds toeneem, en dat voortgaande argeologiese ontdekkings soos die Dooiseerolle (1945) en die Nag Hammadi-tekste (1947) steeds tot ons kennis van die Bybelteks bydra. Bybelvertalers word dus telkens gekonfronteer met die vrae: Wat moet ons vertaal? en: Hoe moet ons vertaal? En dan bly daar nog probleme i.v.m. die oordrag van Bybelspesifieke begrippe. Dié drie probleme word kortliks bekyk

FAMILIENAVORSING : Theodorus Daniel du Plessis

(Theodorus Daniel du Plessis 24.6.1792 – 3.11.1860)

Dit is altyd vir families fassinerend om van hulle Europese voorvaders te weet en heimlik te wonder oor die baronne, prinse en aristokrate wat moontlik in die voorvaders aanwesig was. Almal is dit nie beskore nie en daar moet volstaan word met die werklike situasie en bevindinge wanneer objektiewe navorsing gedoen word.

26 Februarie 2014


Geskryf deur Maureen McCleland. 
A letter came into my hands about 30 years after it had been posted from Australia. In 1972 Phyllis Duke was trying to trace her Loftie-Eaton roots in South Africa. After checking Australian newspapers online I found an obituary for Phyllis Duke who had died in 1991. There was no indication of her maiden name, so that avenue of research was closed to me. On my database there was one Petronella Loftie-Eaton born in Oudtshoorn in 1867 who could fit the description, but according to a person on that branch of the family, she had died as a baby. When obstacles to my research arise, I file whatever information I have in the appropriate file and also in my memory until needed. Fast forward to 2013.

I had joined the SA Genealogie list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SAGenealogie the year before and in the 2nd half of 2013 made a breakthrough. One makes fantastic genealogy friends over the years and we exchange information and help one another. I had such a friend in Australia and we had helped each other before. She also belonged to the SA Gen list and I saw a message to the group that she had access to certain Australian records regarding South Africans. I emailed her the surname Duke and she found the cemetery where Phyllis and her husband were buried, as well as his army records and also some voting roll information. It also helped knowing when Phyllis was born, because I could determine that the Petronella on my database could have been her mother.

At the same time I searched on the https://familysearch.org/search/ website under the South African “Historical records collection” among the Natal civil marriages for Phyllis Duke. Then the brick wall started crumbling down. In 1923, Phyllis de Witt had married Eric Duke.
Now that I had Petronella’s married surname, I searched for the death notice of Petronella de Witt nee Loftie-Eaton on the National Archives website http://www.national.archives.gov.za/ and found the following:

REFERENCE 350/1951

I would never have traced this death notice if I had not known her married surname and am very thankful for all the transcribers/indexers on the family search website as well as for the NAAIRS index online.

I became a member of the GSSA as soon as I started this adventure of researching my family tree in 1999. One of the benefits which I’ve enjoyed several times is that of having archives documents photographed and, being a member, receiving a 50% discount. After receiving the digital photograph of the death notice by email, I realised that the son who had signed the death notice had either made several errors or I had the wrong person. Instead of Oudtshoorn he gave England as place of birth and he gave incorrect names for her parents. He also made her 8 years younger. However, I was sure that I was on the right track when I saw the name of her other son. He had the same names as Petronella’s father. Arthur Batchelor is not a common name except in the Loftie-Eaton family.

When I saw the names of Phyllis and her sister Gwendoline I also knew that I had the correct person. When I had previously found the marriage record for Phyllis, I had also found Gwendoline’s. Although
had not known it was her sister, I downloaded a copy in case I needed it in future.

I still needed to prove that this Petronella of the death notice was the Petronella on my database. I have been transcribing baptism/christening re¬cords of the Dutch Reformed Church in Oudtshoorn and decided that I would do a search on the supposed date of the death of the ‘infant’ Petronella to see if that was not perhaps her christening date.

It has shown me once again that one must not believe every bit of information received unless it is substantiated as I did with this christening record. However, even the person writing the entry above could have made a mistake (especially with the spelling of the names and surnames!).

I was really enjoying this adventure now and wanted to trace all of Petronella’s children. My friend in Australia had a subscription to https://www.ancestry.com/ and had offered to help me. I gave her the name of Gwendoline who I now knew was married to Frederick Houseman. I asked her to check whether Gwendoline had also immigrated to Australia because I couldn’t find any more information in South Africa about her or her husband.

There is such a variety of records available on this website and it proved to be a valuable source of information. My friend found that Gwendoline had not immigrated to Australia. She appeared on several passenger lists which showed that they had travelled to England and to Canada. From this record, I deduced that Gwendoline and Frederick Houseman had a son Willis who was married to Jaynette. I still did not know whether they had immigrated to either of these countries. Two voting records for 1965 and 1972 showed that Gwendoline was living in British Columbia, Canada and a death registration showed that her husband Frederick had died in North Vancouver in 1981.

My next step was to determine whether any of Gwendoline’s offspring were living abroad and whether they had left any genealogy messages on any of the message boards of Rootsweb http://boards.rootsweb.com/. I found only 2 messages dated 2006 and 2010 from the same person: “My name is Heath Houseman. I’m kind of new to this researching the family tree thing. Anyway, let me ask: do you know of any Housemans from South Africa? My parents were both born there, then immigrated to the States in the 60s. On my father’s side, the parents of his parents (one Houseman, father from Great Britain, and one de Witt…”. I left a message on the board and he replied the same day.

When we realised that we were researching the same family, we exchanged email addresses and could then communicate without having to do so via the message board which is rather cumbersome. I emailed all the information I had found so far on his De Witt family as well as some information on Petronella Loftie-Eaton. His response: “Maureen! I’m t ravelling in the car right now with Willis Robert Houseman and Jaynette and their eldest son, Shane (my brother). I will give you info on what happened to my father’s mum and family after the weekend (off the grid for a few days). So excited to connect with you! Will talk soon. All the best, Heath”.

Willis Houseman is 85 years old and he and his wife Jaynette live with their son Heath in the USA. Willis is my father’s 3rd cousin. It has been so interesting communicating with the Houseman family, looking at their photographs, and hearing about their interesting lives. Willis has been able to confirm that his grandmother was indeed Petronella Loftie-Eaton and her date of birth was exactly as it is on the christening record. He has been thrilled to hear the story of his grandmother’s Loftie-Eaton family which he had never known. He was also able to fill in the gaps about Petronella’s children. So far, neither of us has been able to find out what happened to Petronella’s husband Emmet John Daniel de Witt after he deserted her and her children in 1911.

That will be another story and another genealogical adventure.