27 Februarie 2015


Use the Google search engine for the country that might contain the genealogy result that is required.
For South Africa use the .co.za for searches and .co.uk for searches in the UK.

Try this method and see the different results for each.

Google imparts a subtle but distinct country bias in its search results that can have a profound impact on the likelihood of success with genealogy searches. Use this bias to your advantage.

Remember that Google is a general search engine and not optimized for specific genealogy searches. A couple of things to note about entering names in Google:
  1. Google is not case sensitive - enter all names in small cap form
  2. Try different spelling variations of the name
  3.  Also look for variations of the form Last Name, First Name
  4. Look up women by their maiden name
  5. If someone has an uncommon first name, try looking them up only using their first name